Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mint Lemonade #LifeBetweenJobs

I will tell you, dear reader, that being the one left behind, is far worse than the one being gone. I experienced this is no short supply when my dear friends Hannah and Kali picked up and packed off to Israel and Palestine for several weeks leaving me to hold down the fort here in Seattle. Granted, a grand time was had doing North Westy summer things like lake-side cabins and swimming and parades, but it is hard not to imagine ones self at the Souk in Jerusalem bartering for harem pants, or sitting down to hummus and pitta after a long day of sites and conversations, or starting sentences with "When we were in Jericho...."

However, amongst the treasures of stories and little hand-of-Mary pendants and clay pomegranates that were brought back, the following gem was thrust into my life: Mint Lemonade. Apparently it's the only thing to drink in the Old Country. 

It is simple, refreshing, and can be transformed from day to night (or day to better day) with a shot or two of your favorite intoxicant (which then turns it then, essentially, into a mojito, but we will look past that).

You will need: 
   1. A can of frozen lemonade concentrate (for a colder, frostier concoction)
   2. A pack of mint sprigs
   3. A fair quantity of ice.
   4. A blender

Blend all together, adding water for a less potent libation, pour into stylish glasses of your choice - we went the hipster rout - and enjoy. 

For best results, I strongly recommend taking yourself, your beverage, and your friend of choice (I picked this one ) and going outside in a spot of prime sun. 

I raise my glass to drinking Mint Lemonade in Palestine in the near future. 
Happy drinking. 

Monday, August 20, 2012


Well all, it is transition time again. My summer stint at the library is coming to a close on Friday - we did celebrate in true Access Services style by boycotting work for two hours and indulging in rather excellent fish tacos and peach lemonade by the pier. It's peach season apparently, bestowing anything edible with trendy, in-season, farm-to-table peach twist - which, quite honestly, is fine with me, for my love of peaches unwavering. With my new found freedom, I may even attempt my own peach twists this week. And also work on my driving licence.

I digress.

Tumultuous thoughts on calling and vocation and the age old question of "what do I want my life to be about?" have been swirling around in my head the last month or so - and while some days I find idea of a book, an umbrelled, mildly alcoholic beverage, and a hammock, with the occasional dip in the sea, a completely viable and life giving option, a lot of days demand a "bigger picture" alternative. Like one that uses my interest and passion and purpose to serve and all that. But how do I get there? How do I know what that looks like? Does it mean grad school? Or starting out at the bottom of the totem pole somwhere - anywhere? Or write about things I don't care about in order to get some street cred, in turn letting me write about things I care about? Aim high? Aim low?

We live in such a juxtaposed culture in which on one hand we are told that life is hard, you gotta pull yourself up by your own straps because you are all you got, money, money, money is success; yet on the other hand we are encouraged to reach for the stars, follow your dreams, we live in a golden nation of opportunity (It's America, y'know?) - anything is possible.

I am finding it is, if you have 8 years of experience, a masters degree, and a charming personality.

Until I figure out some answers or just dive into something hoping I'll remember how to swim, I wait. While I wait I don't want life to become purgatory - that in-between place where nothing moves, yet everything is stressful, where you're caught between "I was" and "I will be" because "I am" is unsatisfactory.

No, I am learning that the in-between now is just as much a part of my story as my future career, my future marriage, my future family will be, and now will be glorious and sometimes hard. Just like every chapter will be.

I read parts of Shauna Niequist's book Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life and found it to be inspiring:

“But this is what I'm finding, in glimpses and flashes: this is it. This is it, in the best possible way. That thing I'm waiting for, for that adventure, that movie-score-worthy experience unfolding gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidewalks, in our houses and apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and secrets - this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience...”

...I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing out loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift.”

And so I hope to live.

I will try my hand at gardening, dye curtains teal, learn how to make chicken cordon bleu, and make window boxes. I will job hunt and probably have up days and down days, I will continue to work on breaking my nail biting habit, I will write. And I will learn how to parallel park.

“To all the secret writers, late-night painters, would-be singers, lapsed and scared artists of every stripe, dig out your paintbrush, or your flute, or your dancing shoes. Pull out your camera or your computer or your pottery wheel. Today, tonight, after the kids are in bed or when your homework is done, or instead of one more video game or magazine, create something, anything.

Pick up a needle and thread, and stitch together something particular and honest and beautiful, because we need it. I need it.

Thank you, and keep going.”

- Shauna Niequist

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kristian and Steph

Guess who's getting married in less than a week?


Yep. These two.

My little brother finally put a ring on it and is getting married to his highschool sweetheart, college cohort, favorite chef, cuddle buddy, and the soon-to-be third Stephanie Rubesh in the Rubesh family. And we are pretty excited.

July 14th 2012.

* * *

In other wedding news, Chris and Sarah are venturing into fiance territory after 2 years and 8 months. Congratulations to my beautiful roommate and a pair of incredible friends - this next step is going to a wild one. And oh so exciting.

Friday, June 29, 2012

We hauled.

                                                              We're moving y'all!

Thank you Aly's instagram for this fine emotional capture.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I get different reactions when I say I'm a feminist.

"Me too!"
"Bra burner."
"Not extreme enough."
"Not into that."
"So do you hate men then?"

Feminists get a bad rap. We are man-hating, non-shaving, masculine, God-defying, pro-choice, family-snubbing crazies who are all exactly the same.

I love my boyfriend dearly, enjoy clean pits, have more ruffles in my closet than a pack of parakeets, proclaim God as my father and saviour, am completely pro-life, want at least four children, and also am proudly my own person.

And I believe in equality. I believe that women have the right to express themselves, make decisions and act on them, be leaders, hold positions of power, live into their calling, be creators, get paid based on position and performance and not on gender, dream big, be moms, teachers, pastors, scientists, engineers, writers, artists. We have the right to say yes, say no, say maybe. Women have the right to live.

The video above puts the idea of living into perspective. As important as they are, equal pay checks, rights to vote, and careers become secondary when millions of women are being denied the right to breath. They are being denied the right to see the world, explore personality, exercise their ears and eyes and hands and feet, think. They are denied the right to be people.

I don't deny that women are called to serve. But we are called to serve in the way that humanity, men and women are called to serve - we are called to serve each other, and a bigger picture that far exceeds our little slot of time here on this earth. We serve with what we are given - our gifts, talents, backgrounds, money, abilities, and time - and if 50 percent of the population is silenced, that's 50 percent of humanity's minds and creativity gone.

We are not commodities to be bartered with. The permission to live - and live fully - is not one that any person, gender, or culture has the right to grant. I am a feminist because I believe we are called to serve, and with my voice and with every ability in me, I want to serve those women who cannot speak for themselves - whether they're being oppressed into silence, cowed by circumstance and stigmas, or simply have never been given the opportunity. I am a feminist because equality, worth, and life are not things that should be gifted or bestowed, but need to be recognized as is, and acted upon. We have a duty to speak and make it so.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Two Years and Counting.

Two years ago, I started dating this guy.

* * *

So my love, we've summered together...

and autumned together...

We've weathered stormy times...

and gloriously basked in sunny times.

We've celebrated accomplishments...

and have quietly (or not so quietly) enjoyed the every day.

And what a joy it's been!

Thank you for a wonderful 24 months full of laughs and patience and challenges and growth. And also for driving me places and getting me Pad Thai when long days happen.

Stepping into month 25 is nothing but exciting.

Happy two years!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

To the Oregon Coast.

A couple weekends ago, the Crissy, Allen and I hopped into Al's little green car and rode into the sunset - literally - all the way down to the Oregon coast to pay a visit to this girl.

We miss her rather excessively because she's currently doing wonderful things at a camp at Twin Rocks down by Cannon Beach. Then she's packing up to go get a masters at American University in Washington D.C. All that said, it was time for some reunion action - beach time was a plus.

And so we went on a wetland walk....

Spirits were high.

And through cool tunnels...

And journeyed to the beach...

And were blown away by sea side beauty...

And frolicked a great deal...

And perused old bookstores. Can't forget the old bookstores. In fact, I found a book that I've wanted for about two years. It was a glorious moment during which the book lady and I had a bonding moment, I almost wept tears of happiness, and I'm pretty sure the birds began to chirp.

This is the not the afore talked about book, but a wonderful little volume regardless.

And we took so many breaths of fresh air.

We laughed alot, talked about where we were and where we are going, what we are excited about, what we are scared about - and it was good to remember why these women are so dear to me.
Kelsey sent me a card the next week that had blazoned accross the front:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver

We're doing alot of things with our precious lives. Alot of things that are exciting and nerve wracking and new and wild. There are things we haven't done yet, things we plan to do and things we're too afraid to plan yet. But it's a comforting and beautiful thing to know that whatever I have done, am doing, and plan to do, I will be supported, challenged, and loved. And what a gift it is to be able to do that in return.

* * *

Thanks girls - friends are friends forever.

We'll keep you close as always.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Strawberry Moon

It will be a full moon tonight. A full strawberry moon, named for summer. 
If anything, a glorious announcement.